I finally figured out how to make accent marks when typing on the Ipad. Newb, I know. Please excuse any grammar mistakes or typos; autocorrect is my enemy.
The weather was phenomenal today. Gonzalo, Paloma's son, told me that no one my age in Spain says the word "phenomenal." If they do use it, they are "pujo" or "puja." People that wear Gucci and Prada. Preppy. He laughed and said "you're not preppy." Agreed, Gonzalo.
Walking to class was genial (great) today, and the nice weather made my attitude in class much better than normal. We watched a movie called "Belle Époque" with a really young Penelope Cruz. It was totally scandalous but really sweet at the same time. Accidentally, Sara and I grabbed the roommates' cheese sandwiches (blegh) instead of our ham sandwiches. Luckily, we swapped during our 15 minute break. They add an extra 45 minutes each day this week so we complete all the hours we need to get full credit for our courses. Not fun, but así es la vida.
Tomorrow I have a ten minute presentation on José Luis Cuerda, famous Spanish director. I don't really know who he is either, so don't worry about it. His movies seem phenomenal though. Jaja.
After class, I finally found some postcards! My afternoon was filled with writing postcards, Skype, mailing the cards, buying some apples to snack on this week, and tons and tons of research. I love walking around our little barrio alone. I mean, I love walking around with Sara too, but I think we both respect each other enough to realize we need our alone time. I bought a small pastry for my snack today that I probably won't eat again... It was very large and very chocolately. I eat more chocolate here than at home because I don't have to worry about kissing a certain someone who abhors chocolate. Paloma puts these baby chocolate pieces in our room and they are hard to resist. I should probably go running with Sara the next time she goes. She is diligent, that Sara.
Dinner was a mixture of things, but Paloma made her broccoli again. It is so good. I don't know what she does to it, but it's wonderful. I'm going to have to get some of her recipes before I leave. Her food is too good to leave in Spain.
Exciting news: beliebers everywhere in Madrid are camping outside the Hotel Villa Magna because Justin Bieber is in Madrid! A group of us girls from Auburn were going to stake out his concert, but I don't think there is actually going to be one. Girls cry here for JBiebs just like at home. And they use the word "belieber" instead of a Spanish translation.
Writing postcards made me miss people today. That doesn't necessarily mean I want to go home, I just wish my people were here too! Words don't do this trip justice, and it's killing me that I can't upload my pictures to show everything in my blog. June 27th-ish will be rough when I have to go through them all and miss everything I've come to love.
I'm fading fast. Until next time I am sincerely,
Slightly friends/family/puppy/but-not-home sick.
I really do love to read your blog. It makes me feel like I'm having a conversation with you.