Monday, June 18, 2012

donut lovin'.

I just want the world to know that there are donuts in España that are just as good, if not better, than Krispy Kreme. I know, I was shocked too after my first bite.

There I was, walking down calle Ibiza, hoping to ward off hunger pangs and restless ready-to-be-home-but-not-ready-to-leave-yet feelings with a small donut. My favorite dessert. I love them over ice cream, cupcakes, and cake any day (unless it's Nan's chocolate chip pound cake or made from scratch brownies. They are both in a league of their own.) I thought I'd give it a try here in Madrid, thinking nothing could beat the Double K.

After that first bite, I literally stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and stared down at the delicious, fluffy morsel in my hand. Did that really just happen? Had my faith in Krispy Kreme faltered? Did it just fall from #1 to #2 behind this precious little donut? Did that man think I was crazy for studying my donut so intently?

It did. It happened. It all happened.

And I'm so glad it did, but now that's just one more thing I'm going to have to say goodbye to and miss terribly when back in Alabama. This donut...oh this donut. Perfectly cooked, perfectly iced. I can't get over it. I'll never forget it.

In other news, one of the New Yorkers just brought a boy into Paloma's apartment without asking her. The New Yorker is only changing bags and grabbing something, but still. Paloma is fit to be tied, I can hear it in her voice. She told the poor boy it wasn't a big deal, but it is. The first thing they told us in the orientation at the university is that you don't have anyone over without permission first. It's not your home. Nan would whip me if I invites someone over without telling her first, and she's my mom! It's a huge cultural thing in Spain. Paloma already doesn't care for this girl because she's rude and has bottles of alcohol in her room, also without permission from Paloma.

Also, it rained today. It hasn't rained since April! Granted, it wasn't very hard rain and it only lasted about ten minutes, but still. Everyone was rushing to the windows of their apartments to see what was happening. It was beautiful.

I was so hungry all day today. I think we just walked so much this weekend and only really ate bread with Nutella that my body just couldn't fill up. I think Paloma knew it. She made some kind of creamy cauliflower casserole, pork, salad, and bread for dinner. So dadgum good.

One more week and I'm home. Let's do this, Madrid.

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