Today, I went to Spain's equivalent to the DMV. It's the same here. Sara and I took the wrong Metro, ended up on the other side of the city, and didn't meet everyone else until nearly six. No worries- they made an appointment for five but the DMV still hadn't done anything for them. See? Same.
I'm kind of dead after that midterm today. It wasn't hard at all and I'm confident that I did well, but it's because I studied so hard yesterday and yester-night. Worn. Out. We were going to go get dessert after dinner tonight but we didn't even get around to it.
I did get to talk with my mommy, though! I'm so grateful to whoever invented Skype. And computers. I'm not homesick, but I miss my family and friends. It helps that my mom and AM are do dadgum funny that both Sara and I laugh when I Skype with them. Doesn't help that daddy is still at work when I am about to go to bed. But, asi es la vida.
Today, when Sara and I were at the wrong metro, we made friends with a nice security guard. He's Egyptian and Spanish and is all for learning as many languages as possible. And he has a friend in Washington. He took good care of us though and made sure we took the right line after we talked with him.
Tomorrow we go to El Escorial and La Valle de Los Caidos. I'm excited because it's where Franco lived during his regime and it's an important historic monument I suppose, but it's also going to be really difficult, I think. He was friends with Hitler and Mussolini. Yikes.
I haven't seen Paloma all day. She was bebopping around this morning and then had a barbeque to go to! One of her friends is leaving the hospital to go home today after a long fight with cancer. He's in remission now and they are all going to surprise him when he arrives home. It's almost midnight and she's still gone, but she's a Spaniard. Typical!
My eyes are crossing. I have to sleep.
I love how you're making friends all over Madrid! What fun! Happy Birthday to Deacon!