Sunday, January 8, 2012

a break from cleaning.

I'm back in Auburn, and my space is a WRECK. I tried to get everything straight today because classes begin tomorrow, but I think I've lost all functionality in regards to organization. I have so many things that I do NOT know what to do with! I am hesitant to get rid of things because I know that I will need them or use them sometime in the near future, when these college days are over. So here they sit. Waiting to be loved.

Class. Tomorrow. Ready? Not particularly. I enjoy the start to new semesters because everything is new and fresh. New professors, new classmates, new books, new knowledge. At the beginning of the semester, I am always reminded of how blessed I am to not only attend an excellent university, but what a blessing it is just to further my education in general.

This morning in worship, Jim (our campus minister) spoke about Genesis 1. When I heard the title, I wanted to tune out...Genesis 1? Really? How many times have we studied creation?! How many more things can we learn about it?! Needless to say, I was humbled greatly this morning, as I usually am. (When did I become such a proud person?) Jim didn't necessarily discuss creation, but he focused more on God being the main character of the story. It's not about a debate or science or knowing all the answers; it's all about having faith. He told us that "It always takes faith to accept Genesis." I have NEVER thought of that before. I guess deep down I knew that faith had to play a major part in reading the book, but I always just took it as truth because...that's what I had been taught my entire life. Spoonfed Christianity. Hello, slap-in-the-face. I've heard this before and have been working on it off and on since the summer, but I still don't feel that I always have my own faith. I believed Genesis because someone told me to. Jim says "our problem isn't lack of resources, it's lack of humility and faith," two things I need a heavy dose of.

"A god so small that I can understand is not a god big enough to worship."

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